COVID-19 Update
Dear members,
I wanted to provide you with an update from the Rhyll-Phillip Island Angling Club (RPIAC) concerning COVID-19 coronavirus and the measures we have put in place. Most likely, you are aware of the Stage 3 restrictions that have been imposed, particularly those concerning social distancing requirements and the ban on recreational boating and fishing.
For clarity, I can confirm that the clubrooms will remain closed until further notice.
Further, I provide an update concerning the following events:
- RPIAC 2020 Easter Raffle & Good Friday Celebrations – CANCELLED
- RPIAC Angling competitions, 18th/19th April & 2nd/3rd May 2020 – CANCELLED
- RPIAC Annual Presentation Night, 23rd May 2020 – CANCELLED
- Announcement of 2019/2020 Club Champions – To be rescheduled, as appropriate.
Also, the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM), usually held in August, will be postponed until a date to be decided. Therefore, the existing committees and officers will remain in office until the AGM can be held.
Finally, I extend my best personal regards and well wishes to all members, families and friends during Easter and beyond. I look forward to seeing you back at the clubrooms when the time is right.
President: Albert Abram
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